FAQs & Helpful Links

Global Greenz knows that you’ll have questions for us throughout the cannabis process. Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below, as well as the other helpful links. We are here to walk you through the whole process and aim to make your experience with Global Greenz an enjoyable and easy one!


What am I legal to do now that Prop. 64 has passed in California?

As of November 9, 2016 it became legal for any adult 21 years or older to:

• Possess, transport, obtain or give away to other adults 21 or older no more than one ounce of marijuana or 8 grams of concentrated cannabis.

• Cultivate up to six plants per residence and possess the marijuana produced by these plants (subject to “reasonable regulations” by local governments).

Retail sales for adult use will not begin until licensed stores are in operation after Jan 1, 2018. In the meantime, Prop 215 patients with a doctor’s recommendation can continue to purchase at medical collectives and dispensaries.

Can I grow marijuana plants in Merced County?

Merced County allows residence in the unincorporated areas to grow a maximum of six plants for personal use, including both mature and premature plants. All growing of plants much be conducted INDOORS.

Merced County defines “indoors” as a fully enclosed and secure structure. It must be secured by lock and key or other security device which prevents unauthorized entry and is inaccessible to minors.

Do I still need a doctor’s note now that Prop. 64 has passed?

Adults 21 and over are now legal to possess under an ounce of cannabis in California without a doctor’s recommendation.

How much cannabis am I allowed to purchase?

Under current California regulations, stores can sell only one ounce of cannabis, 8 grams of concentrate, and six immature plants daily to recreational users. Medical users can purchase up to 8 oz. of cannabis and 12 plants daily. Cannabis products such as tinctures, capsules and topicals are limited to a maximum of 1,000 mg per package for the adult-use market, but patients can purchase products containing up to 2,000 mg of THC per package.

Under Prop. 64, Californians can grow up to 6 plants for their personal use (per parcel, not per person). Local jurisdictions may ban outdoor cultivation, but may not ban growing 6 plants indoors or in a “secure” location (they can, however, “reasonably regulate” it). Patients with a doctor’s recommendation can still grow more plants if needed, provided their local jurisdictions will allow it. Also, there are protections for parental rights for medical marijuana patients in Prop. 64 (not recreational users).

What are the possession limits currently in California?

Adults 21 or older can legally possess up to 28.5 grams of marijuana, as well as up to 8 grams of cannabis concentrate. If you are wondering if you can legally grow marijuana in California, the answer is yes. You can have up to six live marijuana plants.

Adults between the ages of 18 and 20 years old can legally purchase and possess up to 8 ounces of marijuana and 12 live plants if they have a medical marijuana license obtained through a doctor’s recommendation.

Can employers and others access my medical marijuana recommendation or ID card information?

No. The state ID card system has safeguards to protect patient privacy. Patient names and addresses are not kept in the state’s data base: the only information retained is a personal photo and ID number. The privacy of medical records is protected by federal HIPAA laws. However, if you’re drug tested, a medical marijuana recommendation won’t protect you.

Am I protected against employment drug testing now that Prop. 64 passed?

Unfortunately, no. Prop. 64 specifically allows employers to continue to discriminate against marijuana users. In California, even medical marijuana patients can be fired for failing an employment drug test. Cal NORML is working for legislation to change this! Please join us and help change the law. Write [email protected]

Can I lose my professional license because I use medical marijuana in California?

No. See: California Health and Safety Code 11362.8.

“No professional licensing board may impose a civil penalty or take other disciplinary action against a licensee based solely on the fact that the licensee has performed acts that are necessary or appropriate to carry out the licensee’s role as a designated primary caregiver to a person who is a qualified patient or who possesses a lawful identification card issued pursuant to Section 11362.72.”

Can I smoke cannabis in public in California?

No. Smoking or consuming cannabis in public in California is illegal and a punishable offense.

I’m from out of state, will California honor my medical marijuana card?

Surprisingly, California does not offer reciprocity to out-of-state cardholders. However, residency is not a requirement to apply for the stat’s medical marijuana program, thus, visiting cardholders may obtain one while in the state. Getting a card is a quick and efficient process, that can be issued the same day as the appointment. Furthermore, patients are allowed to utilize telemedicine to obtain a California medical marijuana card.